Friday, February 1, 2008

Subliminal messages

Many times when I converse with other homo sapiens I get this itchy feeling that they are not realy listening to what I am saying as much as using the conversation as a forum for their own brilliant opinions. For my part I view conversation as a vehicle to get to know others better/blow off some steam, and sometimes even learn something. The best shmoozers are the ones that kind of relax and let the conversation flow. Unfortunately, I have found that sheeplike religous people are (in general) very boring to talk to. They espouse their own ideology and allow it to overly color their daily communications. One of my favorite jewish blogs, On the Mainline, posted a very amusing olumeinu cartoon illustrating subliminal messaging. His article also led me to this jem, created by a fundamentalist christian:

OMG, I laughed so frikkin' hard. This type of thing begs the question: What sane religion uses these techniques to propogate itself? Unlike this Christian, Jews are not supposed to prostelize those outside their own faith, but what about those already jewish? It seems that this sort of thing is given the green light. It creates a culture of religous ignorance rather than rational, senseible devotion.